Innovative Property Monitoring (IPM) as the name suggests is a new, innovative service. IPM takes out the guess work and worry by replacing your current monitoring service. We created IPM in response to many conversations with concerned property owners. IPM uses a QR code (Quick Response Code) www. to guaranty the homeowner that the property monitor is actually inspecting their property. The monitor as he enters the house places his smart phone against the QR Code and this automatically generates an email and/or a text message directly to the owner of the property.  The monitor then follows a checklist specific to that property. At the conclusion of the inspection a report is generated and sent to the property owner. IPM also keeps a report on IPM’s Website that can be accessed by the property owner.

Signing up for our service is easy. You can call us at 561-410-6164 or click here to fill in a simple form.  We meet all of our homeowner/condo owners in person. Your keys are secured in a safe and never kept overnight outside of the secured environment. The address of your property is not visible on your keys. IPM uses codes to access the property address.  We also introduce ourselves to your neighbors and liaise with your HOA for obvious reasons. Ask us about our incentive plans to obtain discounts by recommending fellow Snow Birds…